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Jun 25, 2019

In this episode of “Getting Unstuck,” we’ll hear from social activist Orville Morales. Orville is a community outreach and change specialist. We’ll learn how he marshals community support for the causes he’s undertaking – support that has different perspectives on the desired change and on the kind...

Jun 18, 2019

Why do some complex changes stick, while others fail miserably – up to 70% according to the Gallop organization. How much of change failure is the lack of attention paid to planning, resources, and other technicalities of change, and how much responsibility falls on the shoulders of people leading or implementing the...

Jun 4, 2019

How often as a leader do you find yourself worrying about what happened yesterday, or catastrophizing about all the things that could happen tomorrow? In this episode, the third in our series on mindfulness, we’ll get insight into these questions and others with mindfulness teacher Oksana Esberard.

Note: We’ll also...