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Feb 27, 2024


Bennett (Ben) Bratt helps leaders and their teams create the transformative, inclusive, and enduring changes in their team effectiveness that fuel their most deeply desired outcomes. He is the founder and principal at Team Elements, a consulting and coaching organization that helps identify and resolve issues...

Feb 20, 2024


Dr. Donya Ball is a leader, author, and keynote speaker. She currently serves as superintendent of schools in California. Dr. Ball is a professor of both educational leadership and teacher education and is passionate about studying, writing, and speaking about overcoming leadership hardships. She published her...

Feb 13, 2024


“Getting Unstuck” host Jeff Ikler reflects on recent messages of remembrance that prompt him to consider life's impermanence of life and how he wants to be remembered.

The Universe sends us messages to consider and, if we’re open to them, to act upon.

Facing the task of decluttering after his...

Feb 6, 2024


In this episode, I was deeply fortunate to sit down with two amazing guests: Benjamin Zander and Rosamund Stone Zander. Ben is the conductor of the Boston Philharmonic Orchestra and the Boston Youth Orchestra. Rosamund was a therapist and an accomplished painter and sadly passed away in September 2023. They are...